May 5, 2015

REVIEW: The Best I Never Had (DeVine Winery #1) By, Loni Flowers

New job, new town, new people— new life.

That’s what Olivia Langston needed. At twenty eight, she was given a rare opportunity at an internship in the rolling valleys of Crystal Falls in California wine country, far away from her small town roots in North Carolina. It was an unexpected journey she desperately needed after her ex-husband crushed her.

At DeVine Winery, she expected a fresh start in a new environment to help let go of her past. Instead, she found Daniel Black and a hell of a lot of sexual tension she wasn’t prepared for. He was gorgeous, modestly wealthy, irresistible, and just happened to be part owner of DeVine, one of the largest vineyards in the country.

If only she knew that before she kissed him her first night in town. 


Olivia has just survived a painful divorce and now all she wants is a fresh start somewhere new. She wants to be able to spread her wings and be her own person. Olivia got an internship at a Winery across the country, after settling in she goes out to a nice bar as a way to start her new life. While having a drink she spots a pair of beautiful blue eyes across the room. She not only dances with him but also lets him kiss her. She melts, and then runs like Cinderella in the night.

The prologue in this book was amazing. It hooked me from the first page. I had no chance of putting this book down. Fast forward to the first day at her new job and the surprise really starts. I love when the first chapter pulls you in. It takes a well written book to be that addicting. Olivia and Daniel have a chemistry that is palpable. Daniel might be the only one willing to pursue Olivia, while Olivia tried to shun his advances at every turn. Slowly secrets and past hurts are brought to the front and need to be dealt with. We really get to see how heart-melting Daniel really is. I loved the main characters together and the author also introduced some interesting supporting characters. I can’t wait to learn more about them.

There are some sensitive topics that the author dealt with compassionately and done well. The world of DeVine Winery was entertaining, fun, and definitely sexy. The plot can be predictable at times, which is something you find in contemporary stories, but it didn’t take away from the enjoyment of the story. While there was some predictability there was also a huge twist that I never saw coming. This is definitely a great read for the summer, hanging out on the beach.

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