A Riscoff and a Gable can never live happily ever
after. Our family feud is the stuff of legends.
Ten years ago, Whitney Gable caught me off guard with
her long legs and grab-you-by-the-balls blue eyes.
I didn’t know or care what her name was.
Like any Riscoff worth the family name, I went after
what I wanted.
We burned like a flash fire until she married another man.
We burned like a flash fire until she married another man.
She hates me, and she should.
I objected on her wedding day.
Now she’s home, with those same long legs and
man-eater stare, but there’s no ring on her finger.
They say a Riscoff and a Gable can never live happily
ever after . . . but I’m not done with Whitney Gable.
I’ll never be done with her.
“Maybe I was crazy, but this felt a
whole fucking lot like fate”
you ever been in such a book funk that you have no faith that whatever book you
try to read next would hold your interest? That is where I was when I picked up Richer Than Sin. I knew that from the blurb the book had the potential to be good,
even great, but again I was doubtful it would hold my interest for more than a
few pages. Boy was I wrong. Meghan March grabbed me from the very first page
and held me until the very end. I think I managed to read this whole book in a
day. I have never read a book by Meghan March but let me tell you she shot
right up to the top of my auto-buy author list. I will be reading more and I
have no doubt they will be as great as I see this series being.
“I didn’t need to know her name to
know she was meant to be mine.”
start with Whitney. When we open she is in the middle of marrying someone else
and Lincoln bursts in and objects. You heard me right, HE OBJECTS IN THE MIDDLE
OF HER WEDDING!!! Now at this point we know nothing about either of the
characters. When Whitney’s chapters start to pick up we learn more about her
and the hell she has been living the past ten years. From what we know she
seems like a strong person. She survived and now she’s back home. While she
seems strong I am not sure that I am completely sold on her. Whitney seems like
a runner. She questions everything and cannot have a good moment without questioning
it. I really hope that I get to see a different part of her character. Whitney
needs a good kick in the ass. She can be strong for everyone else except
herself, which can be the hardest thing to do, but I’m over the self-pity. I want
strong Whitney now that fights for what she wants. The good thing is there are
two more books coming and hopefully I’ll get to see that.
“You can’t say it. I know you can’t, even if you want to be able
to. I see you, Whitney. I see you so fucking clearly that I never want to look
at anyone else ever again.”
we get to my absolute favorite character, my dear Lincoln. I fell in love with
him from the very first chapter. He’s sensitive, emotional, and knows exactly
what he wants. His family is overbearing and expects a lot from him which makes
him give up a lot of things that make him happy. Whitney was not going to be
one of them even if her last name was Gable. Lincoln never wavered in his love
for her. He never second guessed it. Well I can’t say that because he has his
moment of jealousy and doubt but the difference between him and Whitney is that
is lasted a second. Lincoln has jumped through hoops to make Whitney believe in
their love. Lincoln is my favorite type of male character. He is dominant,
wears his heart on his sleeve, and is willing to work for Whitney. He doesn’t
just sit back and let Whitney run. He acknowledges his mistakes and starts to
fight for her. Lincoln is my new book boyfriend and I can’t wait to see more of
him. If you can’t tell I love Lincoln. I can’t express how much. You’ll have to
read it to find out.
“When our lips meet, it’s like being thrown back ten years into
the past. Like there’s never been a single moment in time that she hasn’t been
mine. My need for her is still as strong as ever. She’ll never be out of my
can’t put into words how good this book is. I am in the minority of people that
do not mind cliffhangers. I love a good series and multiple books. It lets me
dive into a world and got lost. Meghan March did this beautifully. I was lost
in the world of Gable. Meghan has a very lovely writing style. It flows and
makes you feel everything. She definitely has talent and I can’t wait to read
more. I know I’m late to the party. While I had some issues with Whitney the
book overall was great. It was dual POV and it went back into the past. Back
when their relationship first started. This book is definitely the background
information. There was not a lot of Whitney and Lincoln together in the
present. We got to see the mistakes and the choices they made. Meghan left us
with more than a few questions at the end of the book. I have some worries for
the next book but talking about those would be spoilers and I really think you
should go into this blind. Just dive in and enjoy.
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