February 27, 2014

Oh all the books....

I was doing some investigating today....

I was noticing other blogs do book tours and things with authors

Imagine my surprise when I started doing some Google searches and found that all I needed to do was sign up for these book tours and I could host the ones I wanted!!! This pretty awesome sense my mission in life is to give people recommendations for books. Whether they want them are not.

So just a heads up. 

I have signed up for multiple. And by multiple I mean A LOT.

I am so excited for some new reading material...even though my list never gets any shorter no matter how much I read...

Jamie Magee is still having an amazing KINGS CONTEST!!! Go check it out!
If contests are not for you there are many amazing books written by this author that you have to read. These books are phenomenal and need to be read by others. It's an Insight Series week for her street team. Here is an Insight picture quote and link to the book.
INSIGHT - KINDLE ~ http://goo.gl/aWtq96

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