When You Are Mine
(The Bennetts Book #1)
Kennedy Ryan
3.5 Stars

Forever is a heartbeat away . . .
Kerris Moreton knows how to make things work. Bounced from foster home to foster home as a kid, she adapted; when opportunity arose, she thrived. Now, about to open her own business and accept a marriage proposal, Kerris is ready to build the life she's always wanted. The only thing missing? A passionate connection with her would-be fiancé, Cam. Kerris wants to believe that sparks are overrated-until Walsh Bennett lights her up like the Fourth of July.
. . . but what about love?
As one of the East Coast's most eligible bachelors, Walsh enjoys financial independence, fulfilling work with his family's nonprofit, and plenty of female attention. But lately he's been distracted by the one woman he can't have. Lovely to look at and even sweeter to know, Kerris is the soul mate Walsh never thought he would find. The problem is, his best friend found her first . . .
Approx: 50K words.
My Thoughts……
This is Kennedy Ryan's debut novel. A first in a new series. When I started this book I was told to expect some angst with a side of angst on the side. I didn't care. I was in the mood for angst and nothing was going to stop me from reading this book.
I should have listened.
I am having a really hard time writing a review for this book. It doesn't feel finished. (Because it's not). The story cut off in the middle and left us hanging. No happy ending, no real way that a happy can even happen for anyone in this book. It really doesn't seem fair for me to write a review for the first one but I am going to. I wasn't sure if I wanted to throw my kindle against the wall or not. But I chose not to because this story isn't finished and I trust the author and hope she can find a way for a happy ending. Even though I am not sure there is a way there. So because I am having a hard time reviewing I am going to write the things I liked and the things I didn't care for.
What I Liked-
- This book kept me invested. I wanted to keep reading just to find out how this emotional story was going to end.
- There was no predicting how this book was going to go. Every time I thought it was going to go in one direction it went in a completely different one.
- The story was different. Most books likes this one are all the same. Boy she's with currently has flaws, boy 2 doesn't. Boy 1 does something that can't be forgiven which send girl to boy 2. Happy Ever After. This one isn't like that. Cam was a likeable guy and he took care of Kerris. There really wasn't anything I can say that was bad about him.
- I really liked Walsh's dad. He was a character that you really couldn't understand when he enters a scene. He seemed to be the stereotypical asshole business men but you would see glimpses of some depth to him. In the end we see a heartbreaking scene with him and his ex-wife which adds a complexity to his character that I really liked.
- I want to read the next book.
- There were a lot of emotions. This book was really good at making you antsy the whole time you read it.
- I liked there was another person that was in love with someone they shouldn't be. Even though I didn't like how judgmental they were with walsh and kerris.
What I didn't Like-
- I am a big believer in soul mates, people who are meant to be, destiny, fate, whatever you want to call it. But I also believe in fighting for what you want. I don't think that Walsh for one fought as hard as he should have to try and get his "soul mate". And I feel like he should have stayed away from her after she wouldn't be with him. If they were meant to be they will be eventually. Whether Cam and Kerris are married or not.
- I had problems with Kerris and Walsh as characters. Fidelity, loyalty, and trust are important characteristics and it seems like they lacked those. Maybe not so much loyalty but still.
- Cam and Kerris' relationship wasn't real to me. She shared more of herself with Walsh then Cam and Cam was willing to take whatever she was willing to give. Neither Cam nor Kerris were willing to tell the other their secrets. How can you start off a marriage still hiding parts of yourself?
- I feel like the "love" between Kerris and Walsh wasn't really there either. We didn't get to see them actually form a connection to make it believable. We saw them in the hospital and a few stolen moments but for me there wasn't enough to make me believe they are soul mates who are trying to fight it.
Things that didn't bother me but might bother other readers-
- The love triangle. Don't get me wrong I hate them too. These are the only stories that I accept them and move past it. The only reason is because we know who the protagonist should be with she just won't accept it.
- Infidelity. Emotional mostly. There was a kiss or two.
- No ending. There is another one after this one.
Final Thoughts-
Overall I liked the story and I want to read the next one. It is just so hard to rate this one because the story hasn't ended yet. All I can hope for is everything being ok in the end.

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