Open Thy Heart Synopsis:
It’s summer in Shaver and, frankly, Dahlia Kennedy is bored.
Even though she and Eva are throwing a party for David and she gets to visit Rowan in Ambrosia easier
on account of summer hours, it seems like senior year is never going to come.
Worse yet, it’s looking like the one thing she’s planned on doing for forever
isn’t going to happen.
Cue Dahlia’s Embarrassing Incident: the tipping point that seems to shift everything into a new direction. David’s acting weird. Something happens to Rowan. Dahlia’s forced to ask the least likely person ever for help. A secret is blown wide open. Conflict between the Lennox Rochforts and the Townsends grows more and more out of control until so much is going on in Ambrosia,
Dahlia can barely keep up with life at home. Frustrated with trying to keep track of who knows what, Dahlia continues fighting to help the people she loves, and slowly, the truth is exposed. Crazy thing is, she had no idea about any of it.
And it changes everything she’s ever known.
Cue Dahlia’s Embarrassing Incident: the tipping point that seems to shift everything into a new direction. David’s acting weird. Something happens to Rowan. Dahlia’s forced to ask the least likely person ever for help. A secret is blown wide open. Conflict between the Lennox Rochforts and the Townsends grows more and more out of control until so much is going on in Ambrosia,
Dahlia can barely keep up with life at home. Frustrated with trying to keep track of who knows what, Dahlia continues fighting to help the people she loves, and slowly, the truth is exposed. Crazy thing is, she had no idea about any of it.
And it changes everything she’s ever known.
Rowan curls his arm around my waist, turns
us to where our backs are to everyone, and lowers his voice. “They are trying
to bait me. To make me angry enough that I come at them on my own.”
“But that would be stupid!” It dawns on
me. I’ve been around Rowan long enough to know how unhappy he must be about the
Blythe-called security thing. He likes going where he wants when he wants, and
doesn’t want anyone taking away that freedom. “Reade and Durian are smart. If
they’ve been stuck at Amherst with the Townsends, I can’t imagine them not
finding a way to warn you before you went riding.” He regards me, his pupils
growing larger for a moment before going back to normal, and I know. “But they
did, didn’t they? They warned you and you wouldn’t let them tell you that you
couldn’t leave Lennox.”
“They could not tell me not to see you.”
“That’s what they said?”
“In so many words.” He presses his thumb
to my lips. “They know better than to tell me to stay here. But they do not
think anyone outside of here should be involved. Reade overheard my uncle and
Pyrus. Apparently, Hawthorne held back when Oleander was sick, and did not
fully explain things. Now that my uncle is healthy again, Hawthorne has given
him the details. He is in a rage, Dahlia. He knows who you are, how we feel
about each other. He is convinced you are a threat to the throne.”
“But it’s not like I’m going to show up
and become Queen and take over the throne.”
“Not yet, no.”
He says it nonchalantly; like it’s
something we’ve talked about before. I tilt my head, amused. “What are you
trying to say?”
“I am saying he wants to stop us.”
“Us, as a whole? Ambrosians? Us, as in
“As in… Us as in potential leaders. Us if
you choose to be forever mine and choose Ambrosia as your home.”
I shift positions to get a good look at
him. “And you bring this up now. When I’m guessing you’re going to ask me to be
gone for who knows how long?”
“If I speak true, Dahlia?” He cups both
hands behind my neck.
“You were the keyholder. Not that there is
any room to question after that, but
our conversation at the cliff confirmed our feelings, yes? You love me, Dahlia.
And I love and honor you. You want me to tell you everything about Ambrosia,
and I will do everything within my power to. Which means there is only one
other logical step. And it most certainly does not involve you staying in
“And you’re ready for that?” I ask.
“Because it wasn’t too long ago that you were adamant I not make that choice. Remember?”
“The light you bring is something I am no
longer willing to live without.” He shrugs. “I am bound when you are gone, but
when you are with me, I am free.”
“Our connection?”
“Perhaps. Partly.” I roll up to my toes
and kiss his lips gently. “But mostly, it is you. Do you know how I know?”
I know how I know. But I want to know how he
feels it. I shake my head.
He takes my hand and places it on his
chest, a fingertip’s width below his wound. “Because I feel it here. Darkness
pulls at me. There is a pressure here that dissipates when you are with me. I
can breathe.”
Jessica L Brooks Bio:

Thank you so much for sharing Open Thy Heart, Alexa! :)