Kacie Ramsey sees ghosts—and it's ruining her life. Her mother left, her father blames her, and no matter how hard she tries, she can't keep the ghosts away. Now a new power has emerged. Nightly visions of grisly murders and a relentless predator draw her to the brink of insanity.
When the phantom appears at a party, Kacie's longtime crush, Logan, saves her. He invites her to join the Orion Circle, a group of supernatural hunters with chapters in schools all over the country. Through the Circle, Kacie learns to embrace her spiritual powers, and for the first time in her life she feels in control rather than a victim.
But the Foxblood Demon will not give up so easily. A demented serial killer in life who trapped the souls of the thirteen children he murdered, imprisoning them within the walls of his mansion. Now in death, he plots his return while drawing power from the pure souls of the children. He recognizes something in Kacie he's never seen before—a medium powerful enough to provide a vessel for his tainted soul.
Kacie can't ignore the tortured souls of the children crying out to her every night. With Logan at her side, she will fight the Foxblood Demon. But can they banish this powerful phantom, or will Kacie lose not only her body, but her eternal soul to the monster.
While I have Shadow Fire on my kindle I have not picked it up
and read it yet, so Tortured Souls is my first Kimber Leigh Wheaton book. I was
pretty pleased with what I was reading. I love paranormal stories and I have
been on a good ghost story kick lately. This has all of those elements in it.
Plus it kinda reminds me of my favorite ghost hunters show lol. So there is a
plus there.
Kacie has seen ghosts all of her life. When her parents see
her talking to people that are not there they try and get her help. When that
doesn’t work they try to shame her into stopping. When that doesn’t work her
mother leaves. Her mother completely writes her off. Pretends like she doesn’t
excist. Now Kacie is left to try and hide what she can do so that her father
stops blaming her for her mother leaving. One night at a party a demon spirit
shows up and the craziest thing happens. Kacie’s long-time crush can see the
spirit too.
Kacie’s character was a pretty good one. If you are looking
for a kickass heroine, she isn’t one. Granted she is strong. I mean she has
dealt with a lot in her life and she can talk to ghosts. She is just really
jumpy. She scares easily and cries a lot. While she is doing that she is still
entering haunted mansions so she has that going for her.
Logan has always known that he could see ghosts. The best
part is that his parents have always accepted this because they have gifts of
their own. Now he is part of The Orion Circle that follows paranormal claims to
see if their real. When he confirms that Kacie has a gift he gives her an
invite to join the secret club. But he just might fall in love with her in the
Logan was a super sweet hero. He gave Kacie a place where she
is understood. There are people with gifts and there are people who have been
through the same things that she has with her parents. Logan stands up for her
in front of her dad. He is also a safe place and protects her whenever he can.
This book was really interesting. The plot was fun,
interesting, and it had elements that were different. The gifts people has were
mostly psychic but there were also people in their group that didn’t have any
powers at all. The secondary character were really great as well. They each
brought something to the story whether it was parental figure, humor, or a best
friend. They gave even more depth to the story.
If there are more I will definitely be going on my TBR list.

with Kimber
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