Knowing You
(Jade Book #2)
Allie Everheart
4.5 Stars!!!!
Now that Garret's decided he's no longer following the rules of his wealthy family, he can finally develop a closer relationship with Jade. Things are going well, but Jade still worries that being with Garret is only temporary. And because of that, she's not sure how much of herself and her past she's willing to let him see.
Garret does all he can to assure Jade that the two of them can last, but convincing her of that is difficult when she's never trusted anyone. So he has to show her, by being there when she needs him the most, even when she tries to keep him away.
The mysterious letter from Jade's mom still haunts her and now she's getting threatening phone calls. Someone from Jade's past will stop at nothing to keep his secrets from getting out. And his number one secret is Jade.
Note: This is a New Adult novel and contains mature language and situations.
My Thoughts…..
"And yet my stupid heart skips a beat when that stupid boy tosses out the idea that someday he might marry me."
I loved this installment in the series even more than the last one. Everything that I didn't like about the last one wasn't in this one so I was able to read and just enjoy it. I loved Garrett and Jade is slowly but surely growing on me. In every book she gets better and better. Anyway I was really really happy with this book.
Jade is going through even more in this book than she did in the last one. The calls are continuing to happen and they are getting worse and worse. Not only that but she is getting visits now. She also finally tells Garrett about the phone calls and of course he was perfect and was there for her through the whole thing. I really like that Jade doesn't instantly get over her past. She works at it and she tries to make it better. Sometimes to me it doesn't seem like she tries at all to get better. She plays Garrett like a yo-yo through this book. They are finally together and she pushes and pulls him away all of the time. I am really glad that Garrett finally said something. I think that I would have flipped my lid a lot sooner than Garrett did so props to him.
He is very understanding and wonderful through this whole book. He loves her so much and it is so clear to everyone but her. Garrett was probably the best in this book. He did everything he could to take care of her. He doesn't seem to take anything for granted. He also shows that he isn't the stereotypical rich kid. He is comfortable with where Jade grew up and how she grew up. He just wants to be able to give her things and granted I wouldn't be able to except everything that he gives her but I definitely wouldn't give him as much trouble as she gives him.
"Jade look at me." I slowly lift my head and our eyes meet again. "I love you."
"You said you'd stay with me forever if I wanted you to, Garrett." I keep talking to his unresponsive face, tears streaming down my face. "So you better not leave me. Because I want that. You and Me. And whatever this is we have together. I want it forever. I want it so bad."
Jade really comes to terms with her feelings. I mean sometimes she isn't the best at expressing them and I hope she gets better but I am glad she is finally expressing them sometimes. I hope it happens soon cause if I was Garrett I would really think she hated me. She really isn't that nice all of the time. There is more humor in this book too. Jade doesn't mean to be funny but she really is sometimes. The way the two of the react and interact with each other is great too. This book was great and I can't wait to read the next ones in the book!
"She's a good hugger, (although she did have an excellent instructor)."

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